
I am a man who wears many hats.  I have a lovely, intelligent wife and a handsome, amazing son.  I have the sweetest dog in the world named Amie.  I love to fish, kayak. hike, play tennis, golf and travel.  I have a fantastic career with Phonak Canada as the FM and SoundField Product Manager.  I have a degree in Audiology from the University of Western Ontario.

I also learned how to play the bass guitar and have played in several bands live.  I have even mustered up the courage to sing a few songs.

And I also lost all my hearing.  I currently use a Cochlear Implant in my right ear and a hearing aid in my left ear.

But I am all of these things, not just a person who can’t hear.  I am always searching for ways to live my life to the fullest, despite my hearing loss.  That’s what this blog is all about. I plan to share with you both personal and professional stories about overcoming challenges associated with hearing impairment.

Stay tuned for updates on my journey!

Note:  This blog represents my own personal views, not those of Phonak Canada.

23 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi,
    I really like your photo of the damaged cochlear hair cells. I am a Senior Lecturer in Audiology at the University of Queensland in Australia. I am preparing a book about screening systems in school-aged children and would love to include that photo in a section about screening for noise-induced hearing loss in schoolchildren. I am writing to ask your permission to include this photo, or a reference for the original source so that I can ask their permission. Many thanks, Carlie

  2. Hey Peter,

    I just happened across your website while doing some research for product development. Love the website, and hope you are doing well!!


  3. Congratulations, I’ve nominated DeafenedButNotSilent to receive the Sunshine Award. Please go to http://anotherboomerblog.wordpress.com/awards/ to accept your award (download the graphic) and get the rules for acceptance. This is a wonderful way to network with fellow bloggers you admire and to expand the horizons of your readers. Job well done, nominee! And I’m sorry for your loss of Aime. May you meet her again at the Rainbow Bridge.

  4. Hello!
    I love your Blog…
    Came across it this morning while looking for more information on sensory neural hearing loss, as my seven year old son who has mild to moderate delay has had hearing aids for almost 2 years. I feel I have not been informed enough as a parent to advocate for him and his learning needs at school… Perhaps I didn’t know where to begin… I like what you say about using the fm in the car or in a restaurant, I always leave it at the school, never thought we needed it at home. What do you know about auditory verbal therapy? Or do you have any ideas of effective approaches to support literacy for my son? I look forward to any of your ideas.. Blessings! Sarah Salter Kelly

    • Hi Sarah,

      Good questions. But I am not an expert on AV Therapy. My best of of explaining it would be a specialized form of speech and language therapy specifically designed to meet the needs of kids with hearing loss. Moreover, it recognizes the need to maximize one’s use of audition.

      As I live in Ontario, Canada, I know exactly who to put you in touch with to learn more about AV therapy. Where are you located?

  5. Hi
    I really like your blog, your information is extremely helpful to me as a hard-of-heraing student. I first learned about you from the Canadian Hard of Hearing Association (CHHA) I noticed you are doing fundraising to promote the awareness of hearing dog. I have question related to personal fundraising. I hope you can share your personal email with me so I can contact you privately.

    Look forward to hearing from you soon,

  6. Hello,
    I really like what I’m seeing here. I’m an Educational Audiologist in California. I was wondering if I could use some of your lists and quotes when talking with family or community groups about the D/HH students I work with? Specifically the “the funny or unusual things people with hearing loss sometimes do” list. I will happily give credit where credit is due. Thanks in advance

    • Sorry for the delay in responding. As you probably know, we are in the middle of launching the new Roger systems in both the US and Canada, so I have been extremely busy at work.

      I am flattered that you wish to use some of the material from this blog. Please feel free to share this.

  7. Hi Peter,
    Dana at Mt. Sinai gave me your blog address. I am having a cochlear implant at the end of April.
    You are a wonderful example to all hearing impaired. I love all the Phonak products available now to assist us in participating in all aspects of life. I love your blog. Do you have any special advice to someone prior to CI surgery?

    • Hi Shelly. Greetings from Shanghai China. If I could give you a piece of advice it would to be don’t worry and be patient. You will need to wait a month after the surgery before the external components can be added. And then it take some time before your start “hearing” again. Good luck to you!

  8. Hello I just happened upon your blog. I am a hearing mommy who’s son is moderately-severely deaf. We have Phonak hearing aids and just yesterday received our Roger FM system. I’m still learning it’s very hard being a parent of a non hearing child of remembering that he needs his ‘ears’ put in for him to use what many take for granted. I’ve browsed a few of your posts already and it’s opening my eyes to the things my toddler does that finally makes sense. 2 years of speech therapy and audiologist appointments and you’ve opened my eyes and made more sense in 5 mins. For that I thank you. Please keep doing what your doing I have followed you and I look forward to learning new things.

    P.s. We’ve only had the Roger less than 24hours and it’s already made a huge difference in my sons vocal volume and listening skills, thank you for such great technology!

  9. I am a second year Au.D student who comes to audiology after a career as a professional bassist (mostly orchestral but I love electric and upright bass equally)) so I am VERY interested in exploring your blog more thoroughly. I am currently stalling whilst studying for a final exam so I ought to get back to that but, I’ll be bookmarking this. Keep holding down that bottom end!

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